Thursday 1 November 2012

Spectrum Lyrics

'Spectrum: Say my name' has proven to be a hard song to allocate a specific meaning within the lyrics. However, within some research it seems likely that the lyrics have a form of 'spiritual awareness' to them. Within the lyrics it is apparent to suggest that Florence is singing to encourage awareness of the environment and spiritualisation around us. 

When we first came here, 
We were cold and we were clear, 
With no colours on our skin, 
We were light and paper-thin. 

It is plausible to suggest that the lyrics here reflect our 'ancestors' or the neanderthal stages, saying that our ancestors arrived on this planet without the intelligence and abilities we have today. It could also suggest a newly born child, saying that as a new born, 'no colours on our skin' means no past experiences, no knowledge and no idea of what may happen. 

Say my name! 
As every colour illuminates! 
We are shining! 
And we'll never be afraid again! 

These lyrics are the chorus and main feature of the song. It could be suggested that Florence is spreading her message of enlightenment across, saying that her new found knowledge has created a more in-depth perspective of life, and this shed of light - her understanding- has changed her perspective of life, so she is unafraid of dangers or concerns that previously worried her.

And when we come for you, 
We'll be dressed up all in blue, 
With the ocean in our arms, 
Kissing eyes and kissing palms. 

This may connote her eagerness to spread this enlightenment. The colour blue connotes tranquility, confidence and unity, the ocean could suggest the universe- kissing eyes and kissing palms could again suggest unity within people originally divided through petty faults. 

And when it's time to pray, 
We'll be dressed up all in grey, 
With metal on our tongues, 
And silver in our lungs. 

The idea of praying may be to bring people together and spiritually connect them with the earth. The mentioning of the colour grey could be symbol for strength, as could the mentioning of metal and silver.  "Metal on our tongues" could also suggest they bear strong, meaningful words.

And when we come back we'll be dressed in black! 
And you'll scream our names aloud! 
And we won't eat and we won't sleep! 
We'll drag bodies from their graves! 
This reenforces the idea of power they hold throughout the song. Towards the end, it could be indicated that Florence and a majority of others are standing up to something. The cause means alot to them through the sheer dedication Florence pronounciates within the song. 

This song has more depth than what had previously been expected. It seems as if Florence is singing against something that is destructing the earth in some way, shape or form. This will be taken into great consideration for the creation of the music video. As there are no straight-forward lyrics and the song is most suited to a cencept based video, there will be more shots showing artistic and diverse occurences more than it would having a storyline. 

1 comment:

  1. You have made a good start in analysing the lyrics to your chosen song and you have also considered the hidden meanings too.

    To develop this post you need to include your group analysis of the lyrics, which demonstrates evidence of group planning, micro elements and music video style
