Tuesday 20 November 2012

Analysis of a Magazine Advert

For this assignment, we have been told to analyse a magazine poster based on our chosen artist. The image is of Florence with her arms mid-way in the air, she has her eyes closed and she is looking serene. The back ground consists of a contrasting forest scene, there are bright flowers and lime green birds . This promotes Florence's character and music as being down to earth and 'hippyish'. Florence's body language is open and limpid, her hair is styled yet scruffy to match her known image- this all adds to the image she portrays as liberated and free spirited.

This poster was created for the touring of Florence + The Machines first album 'lungs'. This is apparent by the writing above and below the image. 'With special guests- The XX' shows that a similar artist will be supporting Florence's music, and below the image, lingustics such as "Sunday 8pm - 07. 02 - Espalande Theatre - Tickets on sale now" All make it clear to the reader that this is a poster advertising tour dates.

The black colour in the background is set to simplify the advertisement against the main image. It is also contrapuntal to the white typography, therefore making the needed information more eye catching. The contrasting gloomy forest colours in the back of the image may counterpoint the differences between fantasy and reality, which is something her music explores with her ranging music rhythms. The deep red of the lungs that cover Florence's chest seem to go alongside the emotions she portrays through her facial expressions. The light pink flowers and lime green birds may represent her femininity, likewise the pink faded heart on her right wrist may also connote lost love.

The simple format and colours of the typography work well in this advertisement, as the simplicity draws out the details that are crucial within the poster. The text has been formatted to be in centre alignment, keeping the text simple and in line, and again, encouraging to the reader to gain the needed information. There is one large image on the poster, this is intended to draw the attention to Florence as the artist, giving a connection between Florence and the readers.

The typography seems to be set on 'Times New Roman', in large white writing to contrast the black background. The language is simple and straight forward, this is used to give the direct information to the audience without any play on words or extravagant detail.

Overall, this magazine advert appears to be simplistic in order for the attention to be drawn to the artists image and the dates of the concert. I think the simplicity of the advert is extremely effective, and I will be willing to use this theme as an idea for my own poster.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in analysing the magazine advert above and you have considered some of the codes and conventions. However, you need to consider the genre of the music and the role of the target audience in a lot more detail.

    Also you need to analyse a second advert and then include a summary to explain how your research will assist you with planning your advert.
