Wednesday 24 October 2012

Research Into Chosen Genre

'(Spectrum) Say My Name' falls into the electro house genre. Commonly, the electro-house genre consists of  high pitched riffs and prominent baselines . Examples of famous artists that regularly conform to this genre consists of:-

- Calvin Harris
- Dead Mau5
- David Guetta
- Daft Punk

It is the fusion of electronic and house music. Therefore it is 'heavy on the bass' and energetic.

Deadmau5 feat. Chris James - The Veldt (Music Video)

This is an animated music video. This shows the the viewer that it is highly creative and gives the viewer an idea for a promising, unseen music video. The storyline is extremely simple, an animated boy and girl go through a door and find themselves in what we presume to be Africa.

The simple contrast of the orange sky and black silhouettes adds a mystical effect. The graphics are not amazing, but the audience are able to identify certain expressions through the characters eyes. The calm music matches the visual, therefore conforms to Goodwins theory of parallel music and imagery. Orange connotes fascination, creativity, attraction and encouragement and therefore matches well with the video where they introduce the characters into Africa. Although the whole idea is peace, we are introduced to the dangerous animals (such as the lion) that stands out due to the white eyes and bright red blood that drips from its mouth. 

The bright red connotes danger, which therefore makes the protagonists run. This introduces a quicker pace to the song. The idea of the music video goes against the typical electro-house genre, because usually there are various up-beat, club scenes with strobe lights.

This animation challenges the stereotypical , as does the song, which is not a typical electro-house 'sound', however it still falls into the same category.

Fall Out Boy- My Song Knows What You Did In The Dark (Light 'em Up)

This music video strongly conforms to Goodwins theory in that the lyrics and visuals match on the words 'Light 'em Up' and 'I'm on fire'. This is because throughout the video, famous rap artist '2 Chainz' burns a collection of albums of Fall Out Boys old work. Alongside '2 Chainz' there are two women in provocative clothing whilst also acting in a way that the audience view them as sexually attractive. This conforms to the theory of vouyersim- where women are seen in a sexual light within a video- and therefore conforms to Goodwins' music video theory.

This video is dimly exposed, this illuminates the fire for visual effect. The dark colours add mystery to the music video and emphasise the inner -rock sound that the music contains. '2 Chainz' and the two women go back and forth from a van to add albums and other band franchise the bonfire.
The fire suggests that the band are powerful, energetic and dangerous- something they try to promote within the rythtym of the song.

The main effect within this video consists of slow motion. This is done to emphasise the fires imagery to look creative within the video. Surprisingly, the footage cooperates with the fast pace by using quick cuts to match the beat of the song.

At the end of the song, the two women open the boot of the van to reveal four kidnapped characters tied up with sacks over their heads. this is humorous to the viewer as they understand that the kidnapped personelle are the band members. The idea of them being victimised by the characters is comical, but the audience are left with a cliff hanger as to what the characters will do with the victims.

This music video challenges the typical conventions of the electro-house genre. The song itself is not what you would expect to be categorised into electro house, nor the band that perform the music. However it is considered to be electro house through the technological use within the song. There are no typical conventions to the electro-house genre excluding the artist '2 Chainz' that is a feature character within the video.

Analysing these music videos have been helpful in giving me ideas and concepts for my own music video. I feel my knowledge has explanded in the genre and that I know how to challenge and conform to the electro-house genre. From the Fall Out Boy video I feel that using realistic locations is much more effective in order to allow the audience to connect with the artists. Also using normal clothing to challenge the genre would be effective in both adding to the unique story line and again, making the video more realistic and relatable. I feel that using naturalistic lighting will increase the audience satisfaction in the realism of the production, as well as challenging the electro house genre through not using club-scene lighting. My use of iconography will also be important, as the rose will represent the artist. This depth and strong emotional portrayal within the production will challenge the typical conventions.


  1. You have made a start in analysing two music videos from your chosen music genre. You have considered some points from the music video, but more direct reference is needed on the micro elements.

    You also need to include a more detailed reflection by explaining how your research will assist you with planning your music video

  2. Your summary helps to show further understanding of how your research will assist you with planning your music video and this is because you have started to consider some of the mise-en-scene that you wish to include.

    However, further and more detailed micro elements are still needed within your analysis.
