Wednesday 6 March 2013

Planning Iconography

The one main use of iconogrpahy used within the music video is a red rose. This is symbolic for the protagonist putting back 'the pieces' of her life. The frame will be placed in 'rewind', so the rose petals rise into the characters hands and she attaches the petal back to the rose- thus she is placing the pieces of her life back into place.
This is effective with the use of symbolism, and contradicts the idea that a red rose connotes love:- this is where she has traumatic experiences with her partner whom she eventually disgards. This will be shown by her rebelling against the boyfriend by hitting him with the rose dramatically before walking away and starting her new life afresh.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of why props are essential to include. You have considered the purpose of the rose, but further examples are needed on the purpose it has to your concept.
