Thursday 20 September 2012

Music Channels

    1)    Who is the target audience and why?
The target demographic for MTV varies greatly as this channel has many channels that play specific music- for example MTV rock, MTV dance and MTV classics. Therefore, MTV maintains a high reputation for catering for different audiences. It’s most popular viewing audience however is arguably a younger generation, and will therefore hold higher ratings for its rock, dance and/or pop channels.

    2)    What type of music does the channel play and why?
As previously stated, MTV has different channels for different genres of music. This is helpful in catering for different age groups- each maintaining different preferences for taste in music.

3) Identify 3-5 examples of artists that feature on a regular basis
1- Beyonce
2- Rhianna
3- Foo Fighters
4- Ed Sheeran
5- The Arctic Monkeys

4)    How is the channel used as a form of branding?
This channel shows different songs on different channels, which promotes several different artists at the same time. This is a good method as many popular and hit songs would be repeated regularly, increasing its sales and popularity for the regular and the not-so regular viewers.

5)    How does the logo appeal to the target audience?
The logo is in black and white, but has been changed regularly, ever since MTV started. The general logo has, however, stayed the same. The logo itself is rather simple and therefore is generally designed and suitable for a mixture of audiences.

1)    Who is the target audience and why?
The target audience for Vh1 music is generally for the younger demographic, from the ages 13 to the early 20s. It goes through the popular and recent mainstream music generally interests this age group moreso than any other.

2)    What type of music does the channel play and why?
The music played with Vh1 is generally pop/ RNB and modern mainstream music- they post regular updates on celebrities such as Chris Brown and Ed Sheeran and any artist whom is popular in the charts at the current time.

3)    Identify 3-5 examples of artists that feature on a regular basis
1-    Chris Brown
2-    Ed Sheeran
3-    Rhianna
4-    Nicki Minaj
5-    Calvin Harris

4)    How is the channel used as a form of branding?
This channel uses enticing gossip, modern music and tv shows to draw in their audience. This is a purely celebrity based channel that keeps people up to date with the latest information and hit songs and shows. They promote themselves through their music and videos by creating such widespread options for the viewers.

5)    How does the logo appeal to the target audience?
Vh1 use bright and cheerful colours in their logo, this is designed for the young audience it reaches out to. The colours reflect cheerful, summery tones and shades-which generally do attract the younger target audience. The fresh colours could also suggest they bring the ‘fresh and new’ news.

1)    Who is the target audience and why?
This channel also promotes ‘fresh’ music, and is also aimed towards the pop/ RNB listeners by playing the most recent hits in that genre. This genre is generally a popular choice for music channels. This also reaches out to people who enjoy up-beat music that has just recently been released- hence the “fresh tunes”.

2)    What type of music does the channel play and why?
This channel releases popular and new up-beat songs for the younger audience. They release “fresh” (new) tunes to promote new artists and songs.

3)    Identify 3-5 examples of artists that feature on a regular basis
1-    Labrinth
2-    Rhianna
3-    Sam and the Womp
4-    Plan B
5-    Emili Sande

4)    How is the channel used as a form of branding?
‘Box television’ promotes pop and RNB music, whilst also discussing the latest fashions to entice the audience to gain a bigger interest into the company. On the website, it also produces a link to ‘4 Music’, and therefore gains more recognition as the labels promote each other.

5)    How does the logo appeal to the target audience?
The logo design is well associated with its name, as each letter is identified by the placing of smaller boxes on the inside of the shape. This is very clever in the design itself. The design also promotes a modern outlook, which may appeal to the audience as is connotes the effect it will hold more information about recent and modern music videos and news related subjects.

1)    Who is the target audience and why?
‘Scuzz’ is for an audience who prefer the underground and heavy rock genre. This is one of many sister companies that increases viewing revenue as this channel is so rare and different to others.  

2)    What type of music does the channel play and why?
The music played is generally of the heavy metal and underground genre. This genre is not so common and therefore popular for the majority who do enjoy this type of music.

3)    Identify 3-5 examples of artists that feature on a regular basis
1-    Black Sabbath
2-    Bullet for my Valentine
3-    Pappa Roach
4-    Rise against the Machine
5-    Bring me the Horizon

4)    How is the channel used as a form of branding?
The channel has many sister labels such as ‘The Vault’ and ‘Buzz’. Although they are opposite music genres, this creates profit for the overall company as they gain different viewers on the separate channels- dependant on music taste.

5)    How does the logo appeal to the target audience?
The logo has a metallic effect with a stylistic font, which would be appealing to the audience as it is closely linked to the ‘metal’ genre. The general style of this font is also different with ‘hard edges’ which could sum up heavy metal music.


·      Why do you think MTV is broken down into different channels?
Splitting MTV down into separate channels is a good way for the company to increase its reputation, sales income and popularity. This is because they cater for wide audiences, whom of which all fall into different categories of musical genre they enjoy. This is also for the audiences benefit, as they get their particular taste in music played constantly rather than having random songs on that they may not enjoy.

·      Why do you think music channels are important in appealing to a target audience?
Creating a specific audience for a music channel is beneficial in focusing the design and target bands within the channel. Music channels also endorse the videos, which may be beneficial to new artists who are promoting themselves to the viewers. Also, The music industry is struggling against websites such as YouTube, as the public can find whatever video they are seeking within a minute. Therefore, having channels that specify a certain genre keeps the publics interest focused on one channel.

·      Why do you think there are a variety of music channels?
Separating the music genres is a good idea to increase popularity in the individual channels. This helps the music industry as it gives off an overall popular account on specific music taste to which certain groups of people will enjoy. As previously stated, music channels are also competing with the internet, so music channels are now setting up new ways to entice audiences by being sure to have the most recent music videos and some of the ‘classics’ too.

·      What have you learnt from analysing music channels and how will it help you with your own production?
In analysing music channels I have realised the importance of aiming your whole style and design towards the particular music genre. If we choose an inde/rock band, we must ensure to use the colours that would suit this style, rather than using bright pinks and yellows that would moreso suit a pop video.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Music Video Analysis- Cage The Elephant 'In One Ear'

Music videos are created for several reasons. The main reasons are to enable the audience to connect with the artist or band, especially newly released artists. This is for the artist/ band to promote their image to the audience, to show their creativity and to promote a certain style.
The target audience for this video will range between the ages 15-30 year olds. This is due to to the humour of the video, it is rather spontaneous and 'off the track'.

This is an indie/rock genre music video. Typical codes and conventions for the genre consist of a home-made feel, no studio use for example, as well as focusing on the band being enabled to perform the instruments themselves. This music video challenges the idea that all indie videos use home made videos, as within this video, there is a set to look like a mental asylum. They do, however, conform to the genre stereotypes with their shaggy hair and 'unique' style, peculiar attitudes and ability to perform live music with instruments.

The opening image of this video consists of a focused close-up of a man’s palm. The background is blurred, yet we see white flashing lights. There is a buzzing noise to signify electricity. A quick cut shows us the tips of the man’s hair, scruffy and oddly- upside down. Very quickly, another cut shows us the face of the protagonist wearing bulky, childish sunglasses. Our first impressions of this man are that he is strange, by hanging upside down and wearing bubbly sunglasses. Throughout all of these shots, the background is still blurred and we are able to identify flashing lights. The beat then kicks in with another cut. We see a mans shoe-less feet walking along the street, his footsteps matching the non-diegetic sound of the drum beats- the introduction to the music. With every guitar introduction, a new shot is introduced of the different band members. We see they are attached to different hospital equipment and the question ‘Hospital or mental asylum?’ is posed.   This question is quickly answered with the specialised walls and frantic movement of the band members.
Quick cuts progress to change alongside the beat of the song. With each image of the feet, the camera is changed to a higher position across his body- so we are swiftly shown more of the main singer. The colours used in these sequences of shots are very simplistic; they are used to accurately portray the scheme of what would be used at a mental asylum. Matthew Schultz  (the lead singer) is dressed in a typical hospital robe. They are all acting in the same frantic manor, which represents the strange mental health they are attempting to portray.

The music shows us separate cuts. One popular shot is almost a polariod effect, so we can see the whole band playing whilst Matthew is headbanging in the centre. There is a mixture of cuts, half showing the musicians playing the instruments in a frantic state, and the other of them performing a task individually (and sometimes as a group). This music video is conforming to the indie-rock genre, as the music is light and up-beat, the musicians are regularly shown playing the instruments and they are un-caring about their reputation. This is definitely shown within the lyrics. This song is based on telling critics that they are unaffected by their judgements- hence “Goes in one ear, and right out the other”. In some ways, the lyrics are linked to the video, as they could be suggesting that people consider them crazy, whereas they are just having fun. Cage The Elephant also challenge the music video in some aspect, as although they have a woman in the media, she is hardly seen as attractive or a sexual object.

The dress sense of the other band members conforms to the indie-rock genre. They have quite a scruffy, stylish look to which many ‘indies’ turn to, and noticeably, most members have long ‘shaggy’ hair.
The general nature of this footage is humorous and light-hearted. The colours in the background remain simplistic throughout with shades of whites and greys. At one point, they add diversity to the colours by making one of the band members luminous in the lights. This adds a pleasant effect and change from the colours that have persisted throughout the piece. Within the screaming section in the video, the lead singer smashes through the wall with a bright green hammer in slow motion. This matches the music pace and explains how he is on the streets as we have seen previously in the video.

This is an enjoyable video for its ecstatic nature and the actions of the band members. The quick cuts and different scenarios also help to portray this music video.